In case you hadn’t heard, John over at Johnny’s Trading Spot has been running a nifty contest each Friday for quite a while now and it is quite fun, too. I just recently started participating and won some nice cards which I’ll share here:
Yes, I won a nice pile of assorted Allen & Ginter mini cards and some Gypsy Queen mini cards. There was even a tough-to-pull Artie Lange (non-numbered) with the Baseball back #’d to 25.
So those were the mini cards I won the first time I entered John’s Fun Fridays contest. But John wasn’t done yet. Included in the envelope with the mini cards was this surprise:
Tommy John became one of my favorite players when he joined the Dodgers in the early 70’s so this was a very nice surprise–which now has the conspiracy theorist in me wondering. Is it just coincidence that John sent a card of a player with a last name that’s the same as John’s first name? Hmmm…
So then at the beginning of March, John held signups for more Fun Friday contests and I signed up. I had to wait until the third Friday in March to play but I got first choice. So Friday morning arrives and I check Johnny’s blog to see if he’s started the game–nope, not yet. Checking previous contests, I see that John usually started the contests in the evening, so I made a mental note to check John’s blog later.
Doh! With virtually most everything closing down and other coronavirus developments (and dinner) getting all of my attention, my mental note got pushed down to the bottom of my mental desk and I forgot about checking in with John’s blog. By the time I remembered, my turn had been skipped. But the good news is that John still sent a consolation prize:
And with that, we give John a hearty Stadium Fantasium standing “O” for his generosity in having these contests. You rock John! Remember to check out John’s Johnny’s Trading Spot blog, wash your hands, stay home and stay tuned…

That A&G Lange is very cool. He was always my favorite part of the Howard Stern Show.
P.S. Haven’t heard that song in years. My childhood buddy who was a huge fan of ska and he’d play Madness all the time.