What a year. Hobby-wise, this has been a pretty decent year for me. Thanks to the Trading Card Database (www.tcdb.com), COMC, Sportlots and eBay, I’ve made some progress towards inventorying my cards and moved considerably closer to completing some sets. Unfortunately, this progress left very little time for Stadium Fantasium.
I still keep up with fellow blogger’s posts and try to comment when I can. And I also try to keep up with the forum posts over at TCDb. Man, I love that place. I’ve never traded with others so much. Of course, it helps when I enter a good amount of my expendable cards on my TCDb For Sale/Trade list. Just in December alone, I completed 15 trades. That’s a lot for me.
So back in November, TCDb guru who goes by the user name “vrooomed” organized a Secret Santa gift exchange. A whopping 53 members signed up. I received my gift on December 1st from TCDb member Lugnut80. I was pretty blown away by what he sent (nine 5″ x 7″ 1981 Topps Home Team Photos of various Dodgers):
I never even knew that this set existed. They are certainly different and unique to me. I had to scan these one at a time. It’s also lucky that I already had some Ultra Pro sheets that hold these perfectly. So now these great cards are now safely stored in a binder. In a year that the Dodgers won the World Series, these cards serve as a reminder of the first World Series I ever saw the Dodgers win–such happy memories!
According to TCDb, there’s 18 cards in this set. All I’m missing here is Steve Garvey, Davey Lopes, Ron Cey and six Angels. Lugnut80 also sent some insert cards from my want list:
The Miracle of ’69 card was the last one I needed to complete that 2018 Topps Heritage High Number five-card insert set–woohoo! And with that we give a big thank you and a Stadium Fantasium standing ovation to TCDb’s Lugnut80 for a very thoughtful gift.
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year. It’s gotta be better than 2020, right? Stay tuned…

OMD! Nice. Great way to wrap up 2020. Happy New Year!
Still don’t know where I’d carve out the time for TCDB and hearing that blogs suffer because of it confirms my suspicions.
However, love those ’81 Super Dodgers, many of those are new to me, although I knew it existed. Some day!
Hopefully you get caught up this year, if only so we can get some more Stadium Fantasium posts 🙂