We all love hosting/participating in various contests on the hobby blogs, right? (However, my annual Rose Bowl contest may be in jeopardy.) Various members of the hobby website, Trading Card Database (aka TCDb), also have contests every so often. Although I’ve often used TCDb for research purposes since the early 2010’s, I officially became a member in February 2018. Since then I’ve found myself spending more and more of my time there, especially on the forums. There always seems to be a contest of some kind going on at the TCDb forums and I recently took second place in one of them.
TCDb guru vrooomed (aka Dan) created an extremely original and enjoyable contest called “vrooomed’s Super Duper Scavenger Hunt #2“ (this was the second edition of the contest). In this particular contest, entrants had to solve some very convoluted sports-oriented trivia questions (somewhat like a scavenger hunt) and answer with links to various cards found on TCDb. The contest lasted five days (one trivia question per day) and getting the correct answers was definitely more difficult and time-consuming than a simple Google lookup (and Google was definitely needed to come up with answers).
Both vrooomed and esteemed TCDB member griffey423 provided lots of prize cards for the five contest winners. Here’s what I won:
Although I don’t own other cards from the above card products, I’m really impressed by these cards. The Panini Sampson card is rather thick and serially numbered. And Gretzky and Woods (and the other non-baseball) cards? Those are my first of those athletes. And apparently some of these cards were exclusive to the 2019 National Sports Collectors Convention held in Chicago. But the prizes didn’t stop there.

While the first 10 cards above were provided by the generosity of griffey423, these last three cards were awarded by vrooomed and they are definitely insert set needs for my 2018 Topps set.
Fun fact: vrooomed is also an avid reader of the hobby blogosphere and sometimes I’ll find that he has commented on some fellow blogger’s posts (just in case you thought the name “vrooomed” sounded familiar).
And with that, we give a hearty Stadium Fantasium standing ovation to both vrooomed and griffey423 for the contest, the prizes and everything they do for the members of the Trading Card Database. If you’re not already a member of TCDb (www.tcdb.com), I highly suggest you sign up. In the meantime, stay tuned…
I have a post with the exact same titled schedule to be published this afternoon. Just wanted to assure you that I didn’t steal it ;D