Yes, I’m (sort of) ready to attempt to live up to a few 2019 New Year’s resolutions. I’ve never really had any New Year’s resolutions before (especially hobby resolutions). But for this year, I decided to take baby steps to go out on a limb and set some goals for the new year. In no particular order, here they are:
- Complete at least three major-release baseball sets (not including chase cards) from my backlogged collection of cards. This means for each set, creating an Excel checklist, checking off the cards I have, making a wantlist of the cards I need and then transferring the cards from a monster box to a D-ring binder (and then add the chase cards and even a wrapper). And then I’ll add the wantlist to this here Stadium Fantasium blog to get the remaining needed cards.
Screenshot of 2018 Topps Heritage insert cards spreadsheet - Complete five incomplete smaller, oddball-type baseball sets and put them in a binder.
Assorted oddball baseball cards - Complete one of my older football sets and put it in a binder (along with a wrapper).
Assorted 1969-1974 Topps football cards Assorted 1976-1979 Topps and 1989, 1990 Pro Set football cards - List more items on the Stadium Fantasium Trading Block. I’ve got a boatload of cards and non-card items that I would love to trade for wantlist cards. I just gotta sit down and list them and then place them in a physical “Stadium Fantasium Trading Block” box (so that I can find them in case someone actually wants to trade). Here’s a very small sample of what will soon appear in the Trading Block:
Very small sample of the Stadium Fantasium Trading Block - Upgrade Stadium Fantasium. I’ve already started on this project by sprucing up the walls here with 2019 Topps Series 1 and Topps Heritage artwork. And I also added a thumbnail image to most blog links in the Stadium Fantasium blogroll. I’d prefer to have the blogroll formatted like Blogspot blogrolls with some text and a thumbnail image from the blog’s latest post. But alas, I use WordPress and have not found a blogroll widget that’s similar to Blogspot’s. I also recently added a “Blog Contests Lineup” to the right sidebar. It lists the currently active contests of fellow hobby bloggers. Mouse over those links and you can see the contest deadline.
CONTEST PLUG: By the way, cynicalbuddha of Collector’s Crack fame is running his 9th Annual Almost the Easiest Super Bowl Contest on the Web–I’m definitely in. More blog upgrades to come…
- Somehow make the time to inventory/complete sets, maintain Stadium Fantasium, keep up with other blogs, play fantasy baseball, all while satisfying other life obligations. This one goal will be the most difficult to accomplish. I love reading the card blogs and posting to my own blog but those activities also take time away from organizing and growing my collection (I’m sure most of you can relate). But that’s okay. It ensures that I am never bored.
So how many of these goals will I actually accomplish? Will I accomplish half of my goals? Or will I finish all of my goals in half a year? Stay tuned…
Good luck on your goals. #6 is something I really need to work on myself. I have two boxes full of top loaded memorabilia cards and autographs that will one day be used as tradebait. I just don’t have the time to inventory them… plus I don’t think I’m mentally ready to start actual trading again. It’s a lot easier to just exchange care packages among fellow bloggers.
First, I’m pleased that the title is a song reference, it was the first thing I thought of when I saw it.
Second, I’m glad it’s not a Teri DeSario/KC remake reference. (*shudder*)
Good luck goal-ling!